Art Revolution
A problem for artists deserves a solution,
So they created a space called Art Revolution.
A place to post art and to one-click review others,
A new kind of adventure with art to discover!
Getting FIT At The Beach
When a man rides a dog & wears a Black Flag shirt,
You know he might get in a fight but his dog's not getting hurt.
This punk is getting old and now he's got somewhat 'a belly,
'Cause he's working too much & too much time in front the tele'.
 So he hops up on his beast and rides her down onto the beach,
To see Jessie and her boys and where the Get FIT coach will teach,
How we each can shake it in the water to Get FIT or row the boat,
Instead of sitting 'round and eating so much food that we explode!
Captain Kettle
Captain Kettle... While he'd never drive a truck,
Or a pedal bike - he'd rather like to sit up high above.
But with luck he fell in love, with this solo ATV -
Now he rides around in style barking at the infantry!
Atari 2600
 In 1981 I got this little box of fun,
From my father to his son: my future had begun.
Gripping joystick in my hand, I knew I was the guy-
Born to save the land from the missiles in the sky! 
And in Pitfall? I answered Harry's call-
To help him get away from scorpions & rolling logs.
Now I didn't get the patch... But still I grew attached- 
Yes the screen was full of blocks and falling barrels Kong dispatched. 
But Donkey Kong met his match when I made it to the top-
And I rocked the highest score with the princess that I got!
Now these memories must endure- so I promise Pac-Man ghosts-
Will have a place forever more in every drawing that I post!
Demon Attack 
 Demons have arrived! We must fight to save our lives!
Let's defend our sacred platform from these leather jacket guys!
They might not be much in size, but their teeth are awfully sharp-
If YOU want to survive, grab a sword and do your part! 
Call the 'Copter Bot for help- say "We're under attack!!!
By demons colored green like kelp with spikes up on their back!"
He'll come with reinforcements, to SAVE US from these beasts!
Oh look! I think he's flying in... with flowers from the East?
People of the Cloud
These men crowded way up in the sky,
Have little in common with you or I.
They smile at each other and are quick to buy-
Any ride that's red that floats miles high. 
Then they rise and hide in a cloud,
Where they float real close and talk so loud,
About how they're so much better than thou-
'Cause they only like red and not colors like brown. 
And all about how they'd rather drown-
Than to lower themselves and ever come down.
Because floating around is superior to our town,
High up in the sky, not down with us on the ground.
Your Daily Bread 
I got a Bready from YourDailyBread,
But I never let such things go to my head.
So I looked for a way to give back instead,
I took pen & paper and sat down and said: 
"Jeremy Burnich on a network called Ello,
Hands out recognition to creative fellows.
Curating great art & creation, a hero-
In honor of Burnich this painting I bestow!" 
So speed over to,
To discover neat people you might never know.
Follow YourDailyBread like a show...
His 'ellos inspire your mind to go "Whoa!"
Sad Man in a Sad Chair
 A man looked out with a sense of darkness
In everything that he saw,
And it took out the light and hence went stark
The once happy world he would draw. 
To censor his sight and to leave his sad chair
Might would do the world quite a favor,
But to fight what's inside toward the back of his mind-
Would it leave his art trite with no flavor?
The Small Box 
 The future of Amazon is flying miles high,
With packages delivered by a nice ghost and a guy.
To planets near and far and sometimes way up in the sky,
You can even order a small box to live in when you die.
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