Iron Maiden: Caught Somewhere in Pong
Iron Maiden was my favorite band in High School
Bruce Dickinson was IT. There's no Question, he was COOL!
I wanted to be like him; my hair grew two feet long
I changed my name to Sam and got real good at Ping Pong.
But as it turns out, Bruce never played this game...
And if you were in doubt? He said 'Ping Pong is LAME!'
"Thanks a lot, Mr. Dickinson, I don't respect your taste.
I don't care if my sport is one you consider a waste!
Ping Pong was here before you and will be here when you're gone.
No matter what you say or do, I'll always love ping pong!"
I like Iron Maiden too, and if I had to choose?
I'd play ping pong while listening to all the songs they do!